IoTmeter 65A - smart electric meter (wifi and RS485)

4100 CZK

Product description (3-phase 4-quadrant wattmeter with datalogger)

Smart Wi-Fi wattmeter controller for optimization of charging EV with dynamic load balancing and energy management of a building. Remote control and monitoring via mobile app

  • 65 A version up to 3 EVSE control
  • 125 A version up to 10 EVSE control
  • each version is delivered with appropriate current transformers

Documentation - please read first!


  • intelligent EV charging stations control
  • Dynamic load balancing of EV charging current - IoTMeter sets charging current based on the available unused building power capacity
  • charging preference from peak off (cheaper electricity) based on AC IN signal
  • charging preference from PV power plant overflows
  • Supports control up to 10 pcs of charging stations with power balancing mobile application IoTMeter - FREE download from Google Play and App Store here. remote monitoring and configuration
  • Wi-Fi (WLAN) interface - the possibility of access point, or connect to a home network
  • intelligent use of overflows from home power plants by switching heat loads
  • isolated RS485 interface MODBUS RTU
  • MODBUS TCP - open communication protocol API to implement own 3rd party control system (Computer, Raspberry Pi, Nodered - see programming examples below)
  • compatibility with charging stations EVSE-DIN with RS485
  • Measures RMS currents, RMS voltages, Active power, apparent power, power factors
  • Energy consumed from grid / delivered to grid
  • Logging of energy hour, day, month charts
  • Logging of power last hour diagram, logging peak values
Price: 4100 CZK
Weight: 240 g
Price EUR: